Saturday, 5 September 2015

Perfect Being, Perfect Self

          We are the center of God-Conscious life. I am an individualized center and expression of God-Conscious life.   We are eternally sustained in the Mind of God as a perfect idea.

         All the intelligence of God Mind is the intelligence seeking expression in and through me. God-at-the center is peace and perfect understanding. The consciousness of perfect being can never be altered for that which God has given is forever. 

Love Harmonizes

       God is love and I am the expression of God. It is my nature to express love and to be loving. Love is not attachment or need or found outside of myself, it is where I come from. I am so conscious of love, as God-in-me, there is no discord in me, no resentment and no bitterness.
      Genuine love is unconditional and self-less. Beyond words, love is a courageous and serving action, not dependent on good feelings. Love is the harmonious expression of life, excluding no one and embracing the whole of life. Harmony is courteous, grateful and healing. Love cares about others, respects others, honors others and is all-forgiving.
      Love is not love until I give it away. I know love through loving. Love lifts me out of my littleness and moves me to release my greatness. Divine love harmonizes my being and I am at peace.

Spiritual Success

            The ways and means for its fulfillment are quiet and subtle, yet strong and evident. As I grow and evolve, I act with initiative and certainty. Spirit is all-complete, expressing through me in an infinite variety of new ideas. Already within the idea there is the energy, the power and the activity necessary for the perfect and complete manifestation. Spirit has no boundaries in Its expression as me. I live, move and have my being in this recognition.
            I accept the Divine plan for my life. I affirm that harmonious right action is now taking place through my purposeful life and me. My desires are governed by wisdom and my decisions are infused with the power of love, goodness and prosperity for all.

Exercising the Power of Faith

            The Power and Presence of God created me in its own image and likeness and included a divine plan for my life. Included in that plan are many opportunities for change and maturity so that I can grow, develop and succeed. As I grow in strength and courage, I am fortified with the sustaining power of faith to resolve challenges, find peace and joy, and use a power rooted in love and wisdom when making decisions.

           Exercising faith increases my confidence and fortifies even greater faith. By practicing faith, I am uplifted and inspired to be creative, decisive and clear in my choices. Trust is solidified by listening to divine guidance and responding to the direction of Spirit. The foundation of spiritual strength anchors me in principle and integrity. Fear has no power because my faith controls my thinking. I live in the atmosphere of faith, which brings many blessings, serenity and inner security.

Monday, 13 July 2015


        There is a presence and power in the universe greater than we are, that is life itself. We recognize God in and through everything and everyone. I accept that I am one with God, infinite good. 
         Peace is at the center of my being. This peace brings all thoughts, feelings and actions into right alignment. I live in the awareness and the presence of perfect peace. We can live in the kingdom of peace. St.. Francis too lived as we want to live. In the quiet of the one mind, at the very center of my being, We find peace that passe all understanding when we are in the presence of God.

Perfect Being

Perfect Being

          I am One with Deeper Mind. This union is forever working for me, with me and through me. My consciousness is centered and steadfast in peace, love, understanding and infinite wisdom.
          God, the great revealer of truth, establishes me in health and wholeness as an out-picturing of my true nature and my natural inner state of being. I experience great healing through the power of love. I am grateful for a heart that responds to my words of thanksgiving and gratitude. My heart beats with a stable steady and strong beat. I trust in God’s perfect rhythm. I hear with the ears of God and listen by being open to only my good. Every tissue and cell of my body is doing its perfect work. I am the perfection of health. I feel the surge of a new found spiritual energy throughout my body and mind doing its work in wondrous ways.

         Through gentle kindness and eternal goodness, I creatively express the God in me. With courage and vigilance, I maintain persistent determination to express my limitless potential. I move forward in life with joy and certainty knowing that change is always an improvement in my world. I am that perfect being, expressing God. Life is for me and with me. I rejoice and give thanks for this Truth, I let it go, let it be and so it is!

I Am That Which I Desire To Be

            I am one with all life. I am infused with the presence and power of infinite intelligence. Being one with infinite mind, my mind is continuously guided and directed and the spirit within me controls all my actions. This is my life, and I choose to enjoy and prosper in it.

           The door to the larger life is always open! I am the complete embodiment of my desire. I accept that I am that which I desire to be right here and now. My faith carries me to victory. I am the consciousness of success. I am grateful for this demonstration as my experience. My thought is power. It is done unto me as I believe and I believe that it is so, and so it is!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015


“We are not provided with wisdom,
we must discover it for ourselves,
after a journey through the wilderness
which no one else can take for us,
an effort which no one can spare us.”

                                              -: Marcel Proust

Friday, 3 July 2015


1.The Mirror

Look into the mirror and tell me who you see
Is it someone you love and in someone you believe?

The mirror will not lie and it only knows you
Open and honest in search of what is true

Stare into the eyes that can only stare back
Searching for the soul that somehow fell off track

Your friends are not here, no one by your side
Be true to yourself, there is no need to hide

The mirror will allow you to see into your heart
It will let you know this is the place to start

Do not wait too long; do not let too much time go by
Regret does not care for those who did not try

Look into the mirror and tell me who you see
Is it someone you love and in someone you believe?

Don't let...