are many things in one’s life that one can have control. Similarly there are some
circumstances that are outside one’s control such as the fact of death, the
color of their eyes and the experiences that one goes through when in contact
with one’s immediate surroundings. But as individuals the young do have a
certain amount of control over the occurrence of their present and future
actions, especially when they are in charge. The identity, or the self, is largely
discovered only through the process of an “acting out”, that the possibility
for expression is thus in a very stringent sense the necessary precondition for
the very having of a self, which is packed with social, political and also
educational implications. Just by checking the pulse of a person, we know
that they are alive so also we can come to know whether a society is alive with
its young, who are its energy and backbone. They have the zeal and the courage
to stand up to situations and to cry out against the injustices that is done to
them and the biases that they notice around them, which others rarely notice or
have even taken for granted. The young are the voice which will scream out and
act out against such things.
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